Reflections on Social Movements & the Politics of Need: Locating the Dialectic Between Identity and Difference 5
Peter Kennedy
Colonial Anthropology: An Enlightenment Legacy? The Lockean Discourse on Nature, Social Order and Difference 21
Athena Athanasiou
Guy Debord and the Metaphysics of Marxism: an obituary of Guy Debord 34
Steve Turner
The Realidad in Europe: an account of the first European meeting against neoliberalism and for humanity 49
Massimo De Angelis
Two Zapatista Dialogues 60
Eloina Pelaez and John Holloway
Mersey Dockers Interview 67
from the Liverpool Dock Strike
Review Article
The Game’s a Bogey: John Maclean and class recomposition today 73
Allan Armstrong
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