Marxist literary theory after Derrida 5
Drew Milne
The Concept of Power and the Zapatistas 20
John Holloway
The Zapatistas: Conference Notice 28
The Crisis of Political Space 33
Toni Negri
A Critique of the Fordism of the Regulation School 42
Ferruccio Gambino
Rewriting the Politics of The City Builders: A Review of Susan S. Fainstein 65
Brian McGrail
Book Reviews
Cyril Smith Marx at the Millenium 75
Werner Bonefeld
Terry Eagleton & Drew Milne Marxist Literary Theory 78
Olga Taxidou
Mariarosa Dalla Costa & Giovanna Dalla Costa
Paying the Price, Women and the Politics of International Economic Strategy 80
Werner Bonefeld
Murray E. G. Smith Invisible Leviathan 82
Chris J. Arthur
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